Ramesh Dahal Executive Director

GSN has been established with the aim of contributing on poverty alleviation through imparting of market based short term skills to the unemployed youths and linking them to the employment opportunities. Having established in the year 2014, it also aims to fulfill th... Read More


GSN has been established with the aim of contributing on poverty alleviation through imparting of market based short term skills to the unemployed youths and linking them to the employment opportunities. Having established in the year 2014, it also aims to fulfill the striving need of skilled human resources in the country and abroad. 

The company, having head office at Kalimati-13, Kathmandu, has worked in 50districts around the country and gained credibility of providing quality service even in the...

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Our Courses

Tourism/Hospitality (Short Term Program)
Tourism/Hospitality (Short Term Program)
Tourism/Hospitality (Short Term Program)
Tourism/Hospitality (Short Term Program)
Special Naan/Tandoori
Tourism/Hospitality (Short Term Program)
Cake & Pastries
Tourism/Hospitality (Short Term Program)
Pizza, Burger and Sandwich Special
Tourism/Hospitality (Short Term Program)
Diploma in Culinary Arts
Tourism/Hospitality (Diploma Program)
Diploma in Hotel Management
Tourism/Hospitality (Diploma Program)
Diploma in Bakery & Pastry
Tourism/Hospitality (Diploma Program)

Our Portfolio

Kathmandu Metropolitan City - Book Free Frida...
काठमाण्डाै महानगरकाे पुस्तक विहीन शुक्रवार, शिक्षामा सिप कार्यक्रम अन्तर्गत महेन्द्र...
+2 HM Practical
We provide +2 Hotel Management Practical at our Lab. Following trainings includes; 1....

Training Openings

1 Month Special Bakery Training
Kathmandu, Kathmandu , Gyanodaya Marga, Bafal
1 Month NA Tourism/Hospitality Short Term Program
Rs. 18,000/-
Cook - 1 Month Special
Kathmandu, Kathmandu , Gyanodaya Marga, Bafal
1 Month NA Tourism/Hospitality Short Term Program
Rs. 16,000/-
Waiter/Watier 1 Month Special
Kathmandu, Kathmandu , Gyanodaya Marga, Bafal
1 Month NA Tourism/Hospitality Short Term Program
Rs. 9,500/-
Sushi 1 Month Full Course
Kathmandu, Kathmandu , Gyanodaya Marga, Bafal
1 Month NA Tourism/Hospitality Short Term Program
Rs. 16,000/-

Reviews on Google

4.9 of 5

Google Overall Rating
Genius Hotel Training Center
Ashok Paudel
5 of 5

Best hotel training center, special for sushi, cook, bakery, waiter and many more. Read more..

Tarun Pal
5 of 5

Amazing to learn and lot of knowlwdge gained. THANK YOU GENIUS.... Read more..

Govinda Chaudhary Tharu
5 of 5

Nice environment to learn and friendly trainers and staff….. Read more..

Amrita Rai
5 of 5

best hotel training center Read more..

Rojit Tamang
5 of 5

Rojit Tamang gives Genius Hotel Training Center 5 stars rating Read more..

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Our Address

Head Office :
  • Kathmandu Metropolitan-13, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 01-5237062
Branch Office :
  • Putalisadak, Kathmandu